Thursday, August 11, 2005

Meditation Tools and Supplies to help you focus

Meditation tool People have been using meditation tools and techniques for years to tap into their deeper self where creativity stirs. Through meditation a person can not only find more creative solutions to their daily problems, but steer their lives in defined directions to accomplish their chosen goals.

Manifestation of anything begins with a thought. Thoughts become words. Finally manifestation is physically evident as created reality. By learning to direct our thoughts throughmeditation techniques, we begin the manifestation process and create successfully our dreams and visions.

Your meditation skills will develop successful only if you begin physically relaxed. You can choose to sit on the floor for your meditation if you are comfortable, or you may want to begin by lying on the floor and doing the Basic Relaxation Technique first. This technique will allow you to find a deeper sense of relaxation than almost any other method you can employ. When you are relaxed completely, gently sit up and continue with the following relaxation technique.

A good meditation technique to start with is the Basic Meditation Technique. You can sit on the floor or in a chair. If you can easily sit in a cross-legged position without straining, do so. Or you can sit against a wall for support with the legs either crossed or stretched out in front of you. You can find very comfortable pillows and chairs designed to help enhance your comfort while meditating.

Once you have managed to develop the skill of relaxing at will and learned the basic meditation technique, you will want to introduce a meditation tool that will allow you to associate these skills immediately whenever and wherever you are with the simple touch of the meditation tool. One of the best meditation tools you can use is the TAO Totem.

To use your TAO Totem, hold your TAO Totem in your hand, gently stroking the surface curve as you begin to associate the resulting feelings of calmness from your meditation using the TAO Totem. As you continue to practice the Basic Meditation Technique, you will begin to see your life open up to new opportunities and ideas as you reach deeper and deeper into your awareness of self.

One of the great joys resulting from expanded and creative thinking is when an answer comes all of a sudden, like a bolt of lightning. Such sudden answers are the result of your mind working in a more focused and deeper manner. Once you have experienced this, you will know the great pleasure of expanded consciousness and creativity. The meditation tool that you choose to use is up to you -- but consider it a great aid to developing deeper awareness.



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