Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Mama Wolverine is Stepping Down

My mom has always been a good mom. She did the best she could with the cast of her die. She always put our safety before hers. And she was like a Mama Wolverine. I used to call her a Mama Wolverine and she would understand what I meant and stand taller. I would tell people that you would never want to get between this Mama Wolverine and her kids. The results would not be pretty. She was a fierce protector of her kids.

Tonight, there was clarity again; maybe for the last time. I told her how I always felt safe because she was the Mama Wolverine who protected me and never let anyone hurt me. And now is it my turn. I am now the Mama Wolverine and I will never allow anyone to hurt my mom or come between us. I told her I loved her more than any person on earth and I am grateful for her love and protection all these years. She smiled at me and she heard me. Maybe for the last time, but what a gift I got tonight!

Appreciate your Mamas. Too soon they will be gone.

Maintain your clarity by accepting your true role. We all have our karma to live and experience. We cannot change the karma of another. There are times when the only role we can play is to be the protector, the one who supports. I step up as the Mama Wolverine to my mom, happily.

Thanks for reading.



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