Monday, August 21, 2006

Just Keep Breathing . . .

There are times when life doesn't feel so mellow and the layers of tension seem to build and build. The best way to release this tension is to gain control over your breath. In the practice of yoga, it is recognized that the breath contains Prana, or the life force shared by all living beings.

As a result, if you control your breath, you control your life force. Think of it this way: when you find yourself shocked, surprised or stunned at something outside of yourself, you are generally holding your breath. It is this holding of the breath that feeds the feeling of shock or lack of control. Once you start breathing again, your brain kicks in and your thought processes take over.

Using this same concept, I will say, just keep breathing. We are all faced with trauma and drama in our lives. If you just keep breathing, you will be thinking and deciding your way through the issue.

TAO Totem is offering a free online course in meditation. Just subscribe and you will begin receiving your first meditation exercise within one day.

Remember, just keep breathing.



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