BP Oil Spill -- just another day in our lives....
Last year, the oil industry spent $168 million on lobbying for oil concerns -- and BP alone spent $16 million. Any concerns that the industry might have influenced the outcome we are seeing in the Gulf of Mexico today? Oh, maybe.
Just as an example, BP has claimed that its technology is safe, yet 11 men are dead and the oil continues to pour out of the broken line. In fact, BP has a long history of safety violations that have resulted in other deaths and environmental disasters. In 2008, BP stated that it could handle a scenario ten times the size of this current spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Really? Well, we don't think so.
Robert Redford, an environmental activist, is calling for the American public to use whatever political influence you might have - dollars, voice, votes -- to tell your senators to vote for the clean energy and climate bill now before Congress. This might be the path to regaining control over our environment -- it has to start somewhere.
Labels: BP oil spill, oil industry, political influence