Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Appreciation - the Key to Getting More

How often do you find yourself looking around your life and saying, "Wow, what a fortunate person I am?" Not often enough? Well, if you want more of the things in life that are good, you need to spend several moments every day appreciating them so you attract more of the same.

How do you find appreciation when things are not going so well? If you look closely enough at the way that rocky path always leads to something better, it's not so difficult to anticipate that the rough times will blossom into a better you and an unexpected future that could not have come about if it were not for your struggles.

Remember when your best friend betrayed you? And then, it seemed like you had friends everywhere available to support you. Would you have even known of these gems if you hadn't experienced betrayal?

Or when you lost out on that beautiful home you bid on only to find yourself led to the absolutely perfect home that you would have missed if the first one had been available.

And on and on and on. Look to the future potential outcome of your struggles today and you will be able to appreciate more than just the good times. You will be able to appreciate that everything you get in life is designed to make you a better you.

Remember: it is not what you experience in life that matters; it is how you deal with your experiences in life that matters.

[TAO Totem is offering a free online course in meditation. Just subscribe and you will begin receiving your first meditation exercise within one day.]

Monday, August 21, 2006

Just Keep Breathing . . .

There are times when life doesn't feel so mellow and the layers of tension seem to build and build. The best way to release this tension is to gain control over your breath. In the practice of yoga, it is recognized that the breath contains Prana, or the life force shared by all living beings.

As a result, if you control your breath, you control your life force. Think of it this way: when you find yourself shocked, surprised or stunned at something outside of yourself, you are generally holding your breath. It is this holding of the breath that feeds the feeling of shock or lack of control. Once you start breathing again, your brain kicks in and your thought processes take over.

Using this same concept, I will say, just keep breathing. We are all faced with trauma and drama in our lives. If you just keep breathing, you will be thinking and deciding your way through the issue.

TAO Totem is offering a free online course in meditation. Just subscribe and you will begin receiving your first meditation exercise within one day.

Remember, just keep breathing.


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Letting go

Isn't it interesting how tightly we clutch what we have even though it isn't enough? Is it fear that keeps us hanging on to that intensely held hope in the hope that our hope has potential to evolve into reality?

Or is it a comparison to what we didn't have that wasn't as good as what we don't have now? Convoluted? Absolutely. The now seems better than the past, but we know it doesn't make for a good future. So just hang on until some signal appears out of the eastern sky or in the puddle on the ground or in the sound of the dog's breathing. Just hang on to something.

And when the darkness clears and the heart patter slows and steadies, reality dawns. And denying reality is my favorite thing to do. But finally, it is only when reality becomes my now that I can no longer deny it. And I let go.

I keep breathing. I continue to meditate and return to my center. I settle in with myself again. I withdraw again. I let go again. I'm back to me again.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Mama Wolverine is Stepping Down

My mom has always been a good mom. She did the best she could with the cast of her die. She always put our safety before hers. And she was like a Mama Wolverine. I used to call her a Mama Wolverine and she would understand what I meant and stand taller. I would tell people that you would never want to get between this Mama Wolverine and her kids. The results would not be pretty. She was a fierce protector of her kids.

Tonight, there was clarity again; maybe for the last time. I told her how I always felt safe because she was the Mama Wolverine who protected me and never let anyone hurt me. And now is it my turn. I am now the Mama Wolverine and I will never allow anyone to hurt my mom or come between us. I told her I loved her more than any person on earth and I am grateful for her love and protection all these years. She smiled at me and she heard me. Maybe for the last time, but what a gift I got tonight!

Appreciate your Mamas. Too soon they will be gone.

Maintain your clarity by accepting your true role. We all have our karma to live and experience. We cannot change the karma of another. There are times when the only role we can play is to be the protector, the one who supports. I step up as the Mama Wolverine to my mom, happily.

Thanks for reading.
